Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The long overdue update

It's been extremely long overdue, everyday i tell myself, "Desiree, please update your blog otherwise people (the precious few who actually bother to read it) would think you ceased to keep a blog." Well here i am today, writing after months. Yes, yes, i did update it on Valentine's Day however, I had to remove the post since it was a bit too emo-nemo on that "disastrous" day. Well, disaster is over stating it a bit but it wouldn't be wrong for me to say i was superbly bummed out! Just goes to show that having a boyfriend on Valentine's doesn't ensure you something nice to remember. Nevertheless, it was a memorable Valentine's (to go down into one of the pathetic list of memories of mine).

What has happened since February? Needless to say, A LOT! The main reason for not updating my blog was due to the fact that my streamyx at home was down for the longest time. Only last Saturday (after calling several times over a period of 2 months) did i manage to get in touch with a Customer Care person at TM. Only yesterday was my Internet up-and running at home once again. "Hooray! I can now work at home too. Woo hoo!!"

In March, RMM had the pleasure of coordinating the Press conference for Naza Italia's announcement as the sole distributor for Ferrari in Malaysia! As stressful as the whole thing was, it was an extremely character-building experience.

From left to right: Audrey Lakai, Aziz Laikar & ME

These are the magnificent people i work with on a daily basis. Yes we go through everything at work together - the good times, bad times, stressful times and the extremely stressful times. This picture is one for our RMM Wall of Fame taken at the morning Press Conference. At night, i had to turn into someone else:

Yes, i wore a dress and am well aware that is is RED - not usually my colour of choice but i really wanted to go all out for Ferrari.

Anyways, that's it for now. I better save SOME updates for later or else i'll having nothing else to write about.

I do hope though that some "people" (you know who you are) would be proud that i FINALLY updated my blog. Cheerios!!