Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Yawn, yawn, yawn!! It's 10.30 p.m. and I am home, watching CSI while i sit in front of my laptop with a cup of coffee and wondering, "How the hell do i rework this for the 5th time??!!!" Yes, as crazy as it sounds, I am re-writing a news release for the 5th time, making this draft number 6!!!! Bear in mind though all this, is still internal, it has not gone to the client yet and only God knows how many more times I need to rework it again. I would think that it is only natural for me to feel pretty much dead. I have been working since 8 a.m. this morning. All i want right now is a good nights sleep. I barely slept last night and i do feel a bit like a walking corpse right now. Let's see, in addition to the work stress, i come home daily to more questions...sigh!

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