Saturday, April 28, 2007

How to make it in this rat race?

Living in such a fast paced world as we are in today, it makes one wonder at times “what is a normal life?” If we were all psychic, I bet that we would be able to see bubbles popping out of random peoples heads as if in cartoons and each bubble would be complaining about their lives. “I hate my job” “I want to lead a normal life” “When will it get better”
People on the street are not going to admit it of course but it’s a fact. Almost every average person out there is unhappy with their lives. I do not pretend to be perfect of course, I too wish to lead a “normal” life, but what is the meaning of “normal”. What constitutes a “normal” life? Does it mean working a desk job from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., leaving the office on time daily, going home, spending time with the family, watching television and going to bed by 11 p.m.
In reality, that would be picture perfect – 9 to 5 jobs almost don’t exist anymore, even if it does, it would mean no room for career growth. You’d probably sit at that same desk for 20 years; the only difference would be your physical appearance, age, marital status maybe but not your job title.
It is indeed a rat race we are faced with, day after day, year after year. More and more competition is arising from different fields of work. You need to have the “x” factor that every employee is looking for. Scoring straight A’s and being on the Dean’s list is no longer the “x” factor. It is the ability to be a balanced individual. Being an “A” Star student and also having a social life.
Being a former student myself, I used to think that scoring all the A’s in the world would be appealing to a perspective employer. As a student, we also feel that college or university prepares us for the working world – wrong again! Education gives us the basics, the theories and the building blocks. At the end ofhe the day, it is up to us to use it all to our advantage. No two people are alike therefore each persons building blocks would differ from the next person. Therefore, it us up to the individual to make the best out of his / her basics in order to make it in the real world.
The real world here meaning where one needs to put in effort to to be noticed. Effort meaning actual hard work in which certain sacrifices need to be made. Learning is a never ending process. We should never be shy or intimidates to ask when unsure, because pretending to know something only leaves you on the loosing end.
Usually, working with the best pushes you to the next level. Yes, it does make you feel challenged that you are not measuring up, but how else to "make it" if you do not have a motivating factor that forces you to take that leap and put in the extra effort to make it.
So, how do we make it in this rat race? I do not have the answer, obviously. But, for now I am content with making the best of all opportunities at hand to get ahead of the race.

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