Monday, October 8, 2007

Return of sleepless nights

Lately i have been plagued by that old but familiar symptoms of being under extreme amounts of stress. Sleepless nights...almost every day is an agony to wake up but at night, no matter how exhausted i am, sleep just doesn't come easily. To make matters worse, at this present moment i am also hungry and I need to write an activity report which is overdue! Sigh! Yeap, it's all about work today.
Nevertheless, these days I am trying to take it easy on the weekends. Most of the time I try very hard not to work - and use the time to rest or chill out with buddies. I must admit that uneasiness of not checking my work e-mails daily on weekends creeps up on me every now and then, so yes, i do take a sneak peak at what's going on with :).
Some may say I am a workaholic but i beg to differ. Workaholics crave work, i on the other hand constantly have stuff to complete. Ok lah..sometimes I do look for work when there isn't (which is hardly the case) but that is because I am so used to having to do more than I can handle. So, as a workaholic, when you go on a holiday for example, do you face withdrawal symptoms?? Silly question, I know but what else can you expect from someone who is so exhausted that she cant sleep!!??
Looking forward to the holidays though. Which brings me back to my "Me time" on weekends. Last weekend was great! Met up with some old friends and made some new ones. Who ever said you can't have too many friends right.
Oh well, time to get back to that activity report..cheerios!

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