Thursday, January 11, 2007

Yes, I have created a new Blog!

In the event of me forgetting my login and password of my old blog, from now onwards I shall be updating this one. After complains from friends (who actually read what I write) about me not updating my blog, so, I am taking this time to actually write something!
Hmmmmm, my last post was about me being sick and getting better. I wonder if anyone thought that I died or something..hahahaha..quite funny actually, because my last post says something about me sleeping for 14 hours, then NOTHING! heheheh..Well, no! I didn't die. I went for the wedding and had fun (although i did fall sick again while i was there).
So it's 2007! Happy new Year to all my pals whom I didn't get to wish personally. Things have been pretty much the same at work. A bit toned down this week. From Christmas till after New Year I was really swamped with work, due to the public holidays. It's amazing how it's a Public Holiday yet work still piles up. Why doesn't it just chill and take a break huh? (ok i know this makes no sense - disregard it, it's just me thinking out loud).
Let's see most people have made new years resolutions and all, and for the first time i would like to announce that; I dont have any this year. With that note, I end my post today.
*Peace to all*

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